* OCT Stated Events -
OCT 4 : Tucson No 3 Stated Convocation - 7:00 PM Roskruge No 6 Stated Assembly - 8:00 PM
OCT 18 : Arizona No 1 Stated Conclave - 7:00 PM
OCT 21-23 : Colorado River Fall Festival
OCT Stated Convocation (Chapter) and Assembly (Council) will be Thursday, OCT 4 @ 7:00 in the Campbell (Purple) Room at Tucson Scottish Rite. Stated Conclave (Commandery) for OCT will be on THU, OCT 18 @ 7:00 PM in the Campbell Room.
Please arrive a bit early so that we can start on-time. OFFICERS - IF YOU CANNOT ATTEND, PLEASE CONTACT YOUR PRESIDING OFFICER BY THE TUESDAY BEFORE THE STATED FOR AN EXCUSED ABSENCE! Contact information is in the signature block below.
* Grand Sessions Highlights ....
Tucson York Rite had a couple of notable items at this year's Grand Sessions in Mesa.
Chapter: Tucson No. 3 received one of the 3 Grand Lecturer's Awards. HP Rob Settlemeyer received the Order of the High Priesthood. PHP Rod Wagoner received the GGCRAM Distinguished Service Award (Bronze). PHP Don Moyer elected not to continue in the Grand Line and nominated PHP Rod Wagoner for Grand Scribe, to which Rod was elected.
Council: PIM Rod Wagoner was appointed Grand Captain of the Guard.
Commandery: Arizona No. 1 was awarded the Division #1 Best Commandery Award. PC Rod Wagoner was elected Grand Junior Warden.
*Membership ...
Companions, it's a good time to think about new members for the coming year. As Masons, we continually beat the membership drum but in our case, Companions and Sir Knights, we're having some of our members 'cutting back' and that means few, if any, sideliners to fill in gaps. We also have members who have not ever attended a meeting. Our Winter Festival is coming up fast and we would need to vote on potential members in NOV and DEC to have them ready to go. Let's discuss membership at the Unified Meeting on Thu.
Mark Master Update ...
We had discussed a Mark Master Degree at Green Valley Lodge No. 71 for this month but circumstances got in the way, mainly EC Rod dropping the ball on a practice. Comp. Jon Fory indicated that there are 4 brothers from Green Valley who would like the Mark Master, but we should really try to increase that number so that we may have candidates for the Festival.
A new date of either Nov. 12 or Nov. 19 is being proposed.
Colorado River Fall Festival ...
Some of us will be travelling to the CRFF this month on the 21st - 23rd to assist with the work there. EC Steve Powlesland will again be doing the sound, MEC Ken Smith and EC Rod Wagoner have parts in degree work and we have a candidate for the Commandery Orders, Comp. Stan Meisner!
Southwest York Rite Conference ...
Our annual Southwest York Rite Conference is on November 2 and 3 in Las Vegas. EC Rod will be making a presentation in the Chapter meeting on AZ education efforts this year.
We're looking forward to seeing all Companions and Sir Knights! We'll have plenty to discuss, so please don't miss out!
Sincerely and Fraternally,
* Rob Settlemeyer, HP - gunner831@msn.com - 520-591-3115 * Dean Millard, IM - drallimd@msn.com - 520-298-0765 * Roger Cousneau, EC - rcousineau2007@gmail.com - 520-808- 9757
Our website is http://tusyr.org - Visit us on Facebook
Coming Events: (all in Campbell Room unless otherwise noted) * 10/6/18 - Four Corners Chapter Festival - Farmington, NM * 10/21 - 10/23/18 - Colorado River Fall Festival, Laughlin, NV * 11/2 - 11/3/2018 - Southwest York Rite Conference, Las Vegas, NV